Registration for „Come as you are“ 12/23

Please read carefully our design document prior to sign up.

Please note: Any minors (regardless of their age) who want to take Part at the event, need to be signed up separately by a legal representative.
For legal and insurance reasons we need your official name as stated in your ID (or other official documents). [Vorname = given name; Nachname = family name]
If you go by another name, please provide it here. In all our communication with you as well as to refer to you (incl. list of participants) we will use exclusively this name and not the official name (unless in cases where it is legally mandatory). [Vorname = given name; Nachname = family name]
The event lives from what you offer! Think about what you would like to do at the event – maybe you can (co-)organise it yourself? Everything is possible: a (live action) role play, a workshop, children’s entertainment, handicrafts, music… Please write down your idea(s) in the following field and also indicate if you need support or special equipment/rooms – we will get back to you! You are also welcome to just sketch out rough ideas.
You can tell us here any wishes/notes regarding accommodation that are relevant to you (e.g. „family room“, „not too many people in the room“, „I would like to sleep in/get to bed early“, „party room where there is still something going on in the evening“, „I snore/no snorers please“). We will try to offer rooms that meet all needs (but cannot guarantee this) – the actual choice of room will be made by the participants themselves (see design document).
Generally, we will provide vegan dishes which can be supplemented with animal products by vegetarians/omnivores (see design document)

Legal stuff

You can find the terms of participation („Teilnahmebedingungen“, in German only) here.